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    All posts by project management tag
    Navigating Software Development: Time and Material vs. Fixed Price Contracts Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog on November 5th, 2024

    A high-quality website or application is essential for a successful business. Today, most companies aim to establish an online presence, and many startups focus on bringing new, valuable ideas to life. Software development is a complex process that requires professional expertise. You'll find several cooperation...

    articlesdedicated teamsproject management
    Emotional Intelligence as a Key Skill for an IT Project Manager Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog on September 10th, 2024

    A leader’s primary responsibilities include building effective communication, motivating the team, and managing people. These leadership skills are directly connected to the leader’s emotional intelligence. What is emotional intelligence, why is it important for management roles, and how can it be developed? Oleksandra Toloknieieva, Vilmate’s...

    Vilmate expertiseproject management
    Managing Risks and Changes in IT Projects: Insights from Vilmate’s PM Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog on July 31st, 2024

    The work of a project manager is always filled with interesting challenges. It’s no wonder, as this professional is responsible for the project’s success from beginning to end. For a PM, it is crucial to keep everything under control. Effective managers must be steadfast and...

    Vilmate expertiseproject management
    Agile Software Development Team Structure Explained Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Project Management on October 7th, 2022

    Agile software development teams have long become a trend and only continue to gain popularity. Do you know what an agile software development model is and what benefits it brings? If not, read our article on The Pros and Cons of the Agile Approach from...

    articlesdedicated teamsproject management
    Important Tips for Creating a Roadmap for Your MVP Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Product Guide on August 26th, 2022

    So, you have an idea to create your application. It’s great! You probably already imagine how many difficulties you will face in the process. Now you have to go through many steps, starting from the formulation of the idea and ending with the launch of...

    guidemvpproject management
    Zero Bureaucracy: Drive Innovation in Software Company Posted by Igor Bagayev in Blog, Project Management on May 14th, 2021

    As a software developer and CTO, I have experience in working in both one-man startups and large corporations. Regardless of how big the company is, almost every software development firm has the problem of almost sinking into paperwork. And due to the lost efficiency, it...

    articlesdedicated teamsproject management
    Why Communication Is the Driver of Agile Project Success? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Project Management on December 24th, 2019

    The term “agile team” is now used to differentiate groups of people that have shifted away from the traditional approach centered around a static hierarchy of structurally arranged elements and processes. Alternatively, the agile communication makes it possible to balance between stability and dynamism. It...

    articlesdedicated teamsproject management
    Construction Project Management Software Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Product Guide on October 30th, 2019

    More and more firms across an array of verticals get to realize that they need an effective project management tool that would help get better control over their business processes and it is the numerous benefits of construction management software that make us believe the...

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