Humanity has long disregarded the environment, and this apathy is starting to cause serious global problems. Nowadays, people take ecological issues seriously and understand that almost everything we do somehow harms nature. Urbanization, industrial growth, and excessive energy use have led not only to technological...
articlesenvironmentIt’s not the first time we’ve touched on the topic of healthcare in our blog. The sphere of health is a huge playground for the implementation of digital technology. So it’s time to see the interrelation between tech and healthcare services, cover the target user...
guidehealthcaremobile appsThe healthcare industry is evolving especially fast today. The COVID-19 pandemic, the general trend of a healthy lifestyle, and the invention of new sensors for wearable technology play a huge role in this process. The popularity of a healthcare app depends on many factors. And...
articlesdesignhealthcareTechnology is the key to the majority of global processes. It transforms the ways we communicate, work, travel, entertain, and use services. Even more importantly, technology has eased the circulation of information, raised social awareness, and boosted global activity on fundamental issues. They include the...
articleshealthcaretechnologyWe all know that regular health checks are vital. Luckily, today, medical devices are not only in doctors’ offices but also in our pockets. How did it happen? New technologies have created a new health workflow that gives patients and medical personnel much more opportunities....
guidehealthcareinternet of thingsAgainst the backdrop of the pandemic, healthcare is undoubtedly on top of every mind. The quality of our lives directly depends on our health, making this sphere the most vital of all. Similar to other spheres, to properly harness the benefits of IoT in healthcare,...
articleshealthcareinternet of thingsComputer vision already now has a tremendous amount of real-world applications. Healthcare is one of the fields where this technology is becoming particularly relevant. The importance of computer vision technology in healthcare cannot be overstated. Its techniques have shown great application in many medical scenarios,...
articlesartificial intelligencehealthcaretechnologyWhile the primary use of VR is thought to be for gaming purposes, virtual reality is gaining popularity in other industries such as engineering, education, VR for architecture, and healthcare. The consumer uses of VR are growing at an alarming rate, and for healthcare, VR...
AR / VRarticleshealthcaretechnologyA great technical team and a great partner we’ve been lucky to come across. We have been working together for many years and I’m looking forward to keep on working with Vilmate...
They are “our team” – not “Vilmate's team” and I like that a lot!