Homer is a Stockholm, Sweden-based provider of services for householders. Vilmate was happy to assist Homer in their mobile and web solutions.

Client Testimonials

Having Vilmate as a partner has helped us drive our transformation turning our product idea into well-designed mobile and web solutions. For the two years, we’ve been working together, Vilmate became an embedded part of the team. The ongoing knowledge transfer has helped us build a culture of continuous improvement, so we expect to keep reaching and exceeding new heights, developing Homer into a powerful
Challenge accepted
Solution provided
At the time the Vilmate-Homer cooperation started, our partner company had a strong vision statement and supporting detailed answers on how the product should look and function. The project had already been under development for about six months then and our client was looking to turn a small prototype they had into a solid product, improve the existing features and provide new advanced ones.
Given the benefits that Vilmate offers as an experienced outstaffing vendor, we became Homer’s partner of choice.
Overall, we implemented the following features:
– Software integration with the APIs fetching relevant data on Swedish property.
– Almost completely automated home data management.
– Automagic content creation & immediate delivery.

Do you need a reliable team to build a custom web solution?
We apply best practices to help you save costs and launch quickly!