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    Creating an AI Assistant: Handy Insights from Vilmate Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Product Guide on February 14th, 2024

    Artificial intelligence will be in our discussions for a long time. It's time to acknowledge that we are in a new world full of exciting possibilities. The digital era is evolving, and living without artificial intelligence is hard to imagine even now. It's essential to...

    artificial intelligenceguide
    How to develop a Logistics Management System Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Product Guide on December 8th, 2022

    Developing software products is not a trivial task. Especially when talking about a complex app development process with a plethora of features, interrelated components, and massive inbound and outbound data flow. Logistics management systems are just of that kind. To find out how to develop...

    SaaS Business Model Explained: Plain Guide to SaaS Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Product Guide on September 14th, 2022

    Online business is promising, profitable, and modern. To launch a successful online business, you can choose a SaaS business model. The benefits of the SaaS business model are impressive, but you also need to be aware of the disadvantages. So you can understand if such...

    Important Tips for Creating a Roadmap for Your MVP Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Product Guide on August 26th, 2022

    So, you have an idea to create your application. It’s great! You probably already imagine how many difficulties you will face in the process. Now you have to go through many steps, starting from the formulation of the idea and ending with the launch of...

    guidemvpproject management
    How to Make a Dating App like Tinder: Part 2 Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Product Guide on June 26th, 2022

    In a new context of technoscience and its practices, people (Tinderers) and technology (Tindering) appear to be attractive things, visible with a new material lens as creators of successful connections to the world full of opportunities to play with. People and technology become inseparable. Within...

    guidemobile appstechnology
    Healthcare startups: Best Practices & Common Mistakes Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Product Guide on June 6th, 2022

    Healthcare has always been one of the top priorities for research and investments. It’s no surprise as what can be more important than the quality and expectancy of life of yourself and your close folks. The business value and resource circulation increase adequately to the...

    How to create a telemedicine app in 2022? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Product Guide on May 17th, 2022

    Telemedicine is becoming a hot trend in the shifting landscape of 2022. It is due in no small part to the coronavirus that people are getting to finally embrace virtual health care. Billions are now being quarantined, which may become the reason for telemedicine to...

    guidehealthcaremobile appsweb development
    How to make a health insurance app Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Product Guide on October 15th, 2020

    The mobile app development for healthcare looks more and more like a potentially useful idea. 2020 is definitely the year that is bringing innovation to the digital health space, so in this time of unprecedented medical crisis, the demand for secure and usable health solutions...

    guidehealthcaremobile apps
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