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    All posts by Project Management category
    Exploring and developing Soft Skills with Vilmate Posted by Anna Kumbatova in Blog, Project Management on April 10th, 2024

    Keeping up the all-sided communication with the team, Anna Kumbatova, COO at Vilmate, held a discussion about the rising importance of soft skills in the working environment and hiring. Over 60 participants were present to hear about the communicational standards Vilmate keeps, and many more....

    Vilmate expertisecorporate culturehr
    Mobile Apps Distribution: tech Townhall with Igor Bagayev Posted by Igor Bagayev in Blog, Project Management on February 21st, 2024

    Mobile and web app distribution is crucial as it ensures widespread availability and accessibility, reaching a vast user base. It facilitates app discovery, enhances user engagement, and contributes to the app's overall success by making it available on various platforms. Recently, our CTO Igor Bagayev...

    Vilmate expertisemobile appsweb development
    What stands behind Agile Mobile App Development Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Project Management on January 26th, 2023

    Decades of intensive evolution of the programming field have spawned numerous techniques and software development approaches. All of them have their benefits and drawbacks for a development team and may vary in efficiency depending on the assigned mission as well as an expected outcome. In...

    articlesmobile apps
    Agile Software Development Team Structure Explained Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Project Management on October 7th, 2022

    Agile software development teams have long become a trend and only continue to gain popularity. Do you know what an agile software development model is and what benefits it brings? If not, read our article on The Pros and Cons of the Agile Approach from...

    articlesdedicated teamsproject management
    Time to Distribute: Pros & Cons of Distributed Teams Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Project Management on May 23rd, 2022

    Thinking out, developing, and maintaining an IT project is something that requires quite a bit of effort. Even small-scale endeavors may involve teams with a variety of roles that demand synchronization, load balance, and basically everything that we call proper management. The approach of agile...

    articlesdedicated teams
    IT for She: 3 Tips on How to Deal with Gender Gap Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Project Management on September 15th, 2021

    Did you know that the first person ever to write a computer program was female? Ada Lovelace was a mathematician later considered to be the world’s first programmer. She wrote an algorithm for Charles Babbidge’s Analytical Engine to calculate the Bernoulli sequence of numbers. Over...

    articlescorporate culturetechnology
    Zero Bureaucracy: Drive Innovation in Software Company Posted by Igor Bagayev in Blog, Project Management on May 14th, 2021

    As a software developer and CTO, I have experience in working in both one-man startups and large corporations. Regardless of how big the company is, almost every software development firm has the problem of almost sinking into paperwork. And due to the lost efficiency, it...

    articlesdedicated teamsproject management
    Remote Work in the Digital Age Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Project Management on April 2nd, 2020

    Up until recently, remote working has been discussed in conjunction with the possibility to travel more freely, while cutting painful commutes and reducing stress levels. Working from home was a privilege available in specific cases under a special arrangement with the management. However, as digital...

    articlesdedicated teams
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      “I’m looking forward to keep on working with Vilmate”

      A great technical team and a great partner we’ve been lucky to come across. We have been working together for many years and I’m looking forward to keep on working with Vilmate...

      They are “our team” – not “Vilmate's team” and I like that a lot!