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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) & what they have to do with IoT Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Technologies on October 18th, 2023

    The world has already witnessed three industrial revolutions, each profoundly influencing the trajectory of global economic development and the quality of human life. And now, at the cusp of Industry 4.0, cyber-physical systems (CPS) stand as one of its paramount driving forces. With the ever-growing...

    articlesinternet of thingstechnology
    What is a Digital Twin and when you might need one? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Technologies on July 27th, 2023

    Did you know that digital twins are on the verge of becoming a worldwide trend? Studies indicate remarkable growth in funding for the digital twin market, with estimates reaching $131.09 billion by 2030, compared to a mere $6.30 billion in 2021. The global era of...

    articlesinternet of thingstechnology
    Datafication of our Daily Lives: are we forming Data or Data forms us? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Technologies on March 31st, 2023

    Have you ever considered how much data there is on the Internet about you? Most likely more than it seems. The Internet allows us to search for information on various topics. However, by consuming information from a web source, we often supplement it with information...

    articlesinternet of thingssecurity
    Traffic Management System: Key Features & Benefits Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Technologies on August 4th, 2022

    Without exaggeration, transportation systems are the key to any fully functioning modern society. And not only modern. The first concern of the Roman Empire, for instance, was to build a good road to the conquered colonies (some of them are in decent condition to this...

    articlesinternet of thingslogistics
    A Broad Guide to Medical Device Software Development Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Healthcare on May 31st, 2022

    We all know that regular health checks are vital. Luckily, today, medical devices are not only in doctors’ offices but also in our pockets. How did it happen?  New technologies have created a new health workflow that gives patients and medical personnel much more opportunities....

    guidehealthcareinternet of things
    Wearable App Development in 2022 Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Technologies on May 31st, 2022

    With a continuously expanding wearable technology ecosystem and gradually increasing customer demand, the wearable market is now in a position to keep on advancing, offering not only modern devices but also highly-functional wearable apps to customers. Until recently, wearables belonged to the group of devices...

    articlesinternet of thingsmobile appstechnology
    Prop the Proptech Up: Technology Trends of 2022 Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Technologies on March 23rd, 2022

    Let's put it bluntly, most of the work activity that an average person does is to gain some sort of property. And a huge part of what we call ‘business processes’ concerns the property circulation either way. But what is ‘property’ foremost? What does ‘tech’...

    AR / VRnewsartificial intelligenceblockchaininternet of things
    IoT in Healthcare Market: Why You Should Care Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Healthcare on December 24th, 2021

    Against the backdrop of the pandemic, healthcare is undoubtedly on top of every mind. The quality of our lives directly depends on our health, making this sphere the most vital of all. Similar to other spheres, to properly harness the benefits of IoT in healthcare,...

    articleshealthcareinternet of things
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