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    How to build a photo editor app like VSCO Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Product Guide on August 27th, 2020

    In the 21st century, photography has become one of the principal online digital means of communication. With a smartphone and a photo editor app installed on it, anyone is empowered to express themselves through art and, at the same time, communicate their messages in an...

    androidapp developmentiosmobile appsmvptechnology
    Why Taxi Business Should Invest in Taxi App Development? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Product Guide on June 3rd, 2019

    The transportation industry is a dynamic ecosystem whose trends strongly suggest that every ride-hailing business now should go and get its own taxi-booking mobile app. The demand for and interest in mobile app development for businesses in the tertiary sector of the economy are some...

    androidapp developmentiostaxi app
    iOS vs. Android App Development: Clash of the Titans Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Technologies on May 15th, 2018

    Two main types of mobile operating systems are iOS and Android. Naturally, when it comes to choosing one of the two options, you may wonder what will work best for you and your company. In such a case, we can assure you that taking educated...

    How much does it Cost to Outsource Mobile App Development? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Services on December 26th, 2017

    If you are seeking to develop an organizational talent pool of strong software engineers for your project, you should definitely consider recruiting Ukrainian programmers outsourcing app development and thus saving your money. Not only allows the easily accessible World Wide Web entertaining oneself but also...

    androidapp developmentiosoutsourcingservices
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