CoPatient is a Connecticut, US-based, technology-driven healthcare startup, launched by a group of entrepreneurs with a positive previous experience of creating successful companies in this business domain. CoPatient aims to help consumers reduce their medical bills and solve other healthcare-related problems.

Client Testimonials

We are happy to have come across Vilmate. These guys are technically savvy, have great work ethics and know how to deliver in an agile way in a startup environment. An awesome team we want to continue working with.
Challenge accepted
Solution provided
Vilmate put together a team consisting of 4 experts: 2 Full-Stack developers, 1 Web developer, and 1 QA engineer. For two years that the project has been under development, the Vilmate team has been managed directly by the client.
The main project challenge our team has encountered is associated with the need to ensure compliance with the stringent security requirements for data and document storage, imposed by the US law.
Another significant challenge was connected with the rapid rise of mobile over the last two years and the majority (over 60%) of the user requests originating from mobile devices.

Do you need a reliable team to build a custom web solution?
We apply best practices to help you save costs and launch quickly!