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    Is there an actual Recession in the IT industry in 2023? Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Services on November 30th, 2023

    The belief that the IT sector is going through a recession is becoming more common within the community. Some experts are describing a genuine crisis in the world of information technology. This opinion is based on a few factors. First, finding a job in the...

    articlesartificial intelligencehr
    How do streaming services work and, most importantly, make money? Posted by Anastasiia Rezinkina in Blog, Services on August 31st, 2023

    Streaming services have witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity over the years. It has become increasingly rare to encounter individuals who are unfamiliar with giants like Netflix or Apple TV. The repertoire of prominent platforms catering to people’s entertainment needs continues to expand steadily. The...

    Superapps: are they the new Iteration of the Digital Products Evolution? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Services on March 3rd, 2023

    Marketing and applications in the 21st century have become practically inseparable concepts. Advertising for businesses becomes much more effective when technology comes into it. Applications can’t exist without advertising since they aim to attract maximum users. We often carefully follow US and European IT trends....

    articlesmobile apps
    How to Choose the Right Outsourcing Company [Checklist] Posted by Igor Bagayev in Blog, Services on April 23rd, 2021

    Thanks to technological advancement, we have the opportunity to choose the best and most suitable things, and not be content only with what we have. This applies to all areas of life: from thinking about where to buy sneakers to finding the perfect outsourcing company....

    dedicated teamsguidehr
    9 Rules of the Ideal HR Manager [Checklist] Posted by Anna Kumbatova in Blog, Services on April 20th, 2021

    Plunging into a routine, we sometimes relax and stop giving 100%. It’s always good to think about whether I’m really doing my best or can I do more and better? I have compiled a checklist of the “ideal HR”, which I follow at work. Here...

    articlescorporate culturehr
    Great Interview: Examination or Dialogue? Posted by Anna Kumbatova in Blog, Services on April 14th, 2021

    'I won’t ask questions, but if I get hired, then I’ll figure it out. What if I ask something wrong and because of this I won't get a position?' - roughly the same fear lives in the minds of the majority of job seekers who...

    Vilmate expertisehrmarketing
    How to Create a Landing Page Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Services on February 25th, 2021

    Today, it is crucial for a business to have an established online presence, and creating a landing page is one of the best ways to achieve that. In one of our previous articles, we discussed what a landing page is and why you might need...

    e-commerceguidemarketingweb development
    Why do you need a landing page? Posted by Vilmate in Blog, Services on February 18th, 2021

    Converting your site visitors into leads is the first step towards creating lasting and fruitful business relationships with customers. On the other hand, when it comes to building relationships between your company and a potential client, there is one thing that is often left unaddressed....

    articlese-commercemarketingweb development
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