The years 2023-2024 have been challenging for the IT sector. Many specialists and job seekers noticed a visible slowdown in the job market. While the statistics didn’t indicate a major crisis, people within the industry were more alert than the official data suggested. As we...
Vilmate expertisecorporate culturehrKeeping up the all-sided communication with the team, Anna Kumbatova, COO at Vilmate, held a discussion about the rising importance of soft skills in the working environment and hiring. Over 60 participants were present to hear about the communicational standards Vilmate keeps, and many more....
Vilmate expertisecorporate culturehrArtificial Intelligence and the related terms crossed the line of just popping up in local technological discussions long ago. They’ve become common for a huge number of people in IT and not only. So, following this tendency, we asked a couple of our teammates from...
Vilmate expertiseartificial intelligencedevopshrtechnologyThe belief that the IT sector is going through a recession is becoming more common within the community. Some experts are describing a genuine crisis in the world of information technology. This opinion is based on a few factors. First, finding a job in the...
articlesartificial intelligencehrAgainst the background of active military events in our country, we would like to share the experience of extreme crisis management at Vilmate, which our Kharkiv team has acquired since the beginning of the invasion. We’ll talk about the actual operational and structural solutions the...
Vilmate expertisecorporate culturehrThanks to technological advancement, we have the opportunity to choose the best and most suitable things, and not be content only with what we have. This applies to all areas of life: from thinking about where to buy sneakers to finding the perfect outsourcing company....
dedicated teamsguidehrPlunging into a routine, we sometimes relax and stop giving 100%. It’s always good to think about whether I’m really doing my best or can I do more and better? I have compiled a checklist of the “ideal HR”, which I follow at work. Here...
articlescorporate culturehr'I won’t ask questions, but if I get hired, then I’ll figure it out. What if I ask something wrong and because of this I won't get a position?' - roughly the same fear lives in the minds of the majority of job seekers who...
Vilmate expertisehrmarketingA great technical team and a great partner we’ve been lucky to come across. We have been working together for many years and I’m looking forward to keep on working with Vilmate...
They are “our team” – not “Vilmate's team” and I like that a lot!